Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Smells ~ WTF !!!!!

Ok, so I have a super strong sense of smell - I mean incredibly strong, most things humans can't smell I can (sometimes it drives me nuts, sometimes I think it is a blessing) I love it when I am the first to pick up the smell of rain, or just the awesome smell that comes with summer evenings. I hate it when I can pick up on some awful smell that no one else senses. I think I drive Jim nuts when I try to track down the source of said smell. Pregnancy was one of those awful times for me - there were so many things that were not allowed to be within 100 yards of me! I am currently feeling like I am back to those pregnancy times, cursed with a super heightened sense of smell that is driving me nuts. On Friday night we came home from our connections progressive dinner, my house was the child care house. I open the door and got hit in the face with what smelled like someone ate eggs for 10 days straight and then decided to come to my house to release their gases. "What the heck is that smell ? " I figured it was just sweaty boys who probably did pass a little gas while we were gone. But no, I woke to the pleasant smell greeting me in the morning !! Yuck, what is that ? Well on Sunday, I uncovered a hidden bag of rotten potatoes in the pantry. Now, if you have been in a hometown house, I use the term pantry lightly, how could I have missed this ? So, I have scrubbed and mopped and bleached just about every surface in my house and I still can smell this awful aroma !! My husband can not smell it and neither can Aodhan, but Mackenzie is right there with me (Jim insists it is because she hears me talk about how bad it is.) Has she been cursed too? Jim is instant that the smell is gone that I just am still smelling it because I knew it was here and am paranoid. Am I paranoid ? Maybe a little - right now I am taking a break from bleaching down every hard surface in my house (AGAIN) and finding any candle that I can to take away the odor ! I just don't want to be the smelly house !!! Anyone have any advice ?

1 comment:

Molly said...

Dude, I am laughing so hard right now! I have sooooo had the rotten bag of potatoes going on in the "pantry" before. Too funny! I have a crazy sense of smell too! Maybe you are the reason I have been smelling bleach for the past couple of days??? LOL! Seriously, there is an actual medical condition where people smell things that aren't there. I googled it. Stop laughing.