Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Aodhan recently was diagnosed with sleep apnea (he stops breathing periodically during his sleep) Today we went to see an ENT specialist and he has to have his tonsils and adenoids removed, they are chronically inflamed and interfering with his breathing. The surgery is scheduled for Friday morning. Not much notice, but hey what can you do. I am a little overwhelmed - there is a lot I need to get done before I can be confined to the house for a few days, there are groceries to get ( I need to stock up on ice cream, popsciles, and baby food) , and i need to figure out what to do with the girls, and I must admit I'm a little nervous. I know this is a procedure that millions of kids have done, but this is my boy, and it makes me a little scared. Having a nursing background - I know that there is always a risk when they need to be sedated. We also have some bleeding issues in my family so that can always cause problems. I am also pissed - pissed that Jim's job can sometimes be super understanding and sometimes they can be jerks. He is not going to be able to be there with us in the morning. Please pray for Aodhan, he is scared and nervous and pray for me, that I can be strong enough to hold it together for him !


Erin Elizabeth said...

if you need ANY help, let me know. i know ill be home all day sunday, and could be home a lot more this weekend if you need someone to care for your girls. and i would be more than willing to come over and help out when jim cant be there. just let me know what you need, id love to be of service.

my cell is 630 450 9406
call me if you need ANYTHING

Molly said...

Aodhan is in our prayers! He will do just fine! Maybe it's good it's happening so quickly. That way you don't have too much time to worry! I can sure run to the store for you if you don't have time. Can I run over with some homemade applesauce?? What time is his surgery?? Is there someone going with you since Jim can't go?? What a crock of poo. Please let us know how all turns out. I'm sure he'll be pretty uncomfortable for a few days, but he will bounce right back. Aodhan is a fighter! And so are you!

Hannah said...

Kerry, you and Aodhan are in our prayers...especially tomorrow morning. We'll be praying for peace and comfort for you, and a quick recovery for Aodhan.